Phab Freedom Wings 2018

Phab Freedom Wings 2018

Phab Freedom Wings 2018 720 960 I am Phab Bebington

Recently our Phab members were able to take part in some flying lessons with freedom wings in Tatenhill, we had split into groups and we would swap over from pilot training to then being able to fly the planes ourselves, this was a fantastic achievement by all our members who participated as some had never even flown before.

the video below shows some of our Phab members being interviewed about flying the planes and also shows some video of our  Phab members flying the planes.

During the day we were shown around the airfield and we were aloud to go up close to other amazing panes that were in the lock up, this was brilliant for our Phabber’s as we were aloud to take photographs with the planes and we got to hear some of the pilots talking, whilst we were listening to the pilots talk we were also taught how they communicate and how they travel when flying