The Croakers – Farewell

The Croakers – Farewell

The Croakers – Farewell 1920 1440 I am Phab Bebington

Dear Greg, Lorna and all at Phab.

I do hope that you’re all well.

Firstly let me say, on behalf of all the Croakers, that over the years we’ve had such wonderful times with Phab from the early days in West Kirby to the recent years in Bebington.

Being with you at Christmas was something we very much looked forward to. Singing to you was always both a joy and a privilege.

Unfortunately, due to a variety of reasons, we’ve decided that we can no longer continue with the singing group. We’re very sad about having to give up and will miss our Phabulous friends.

Thank you for all the lovely memories.

Our love and best wishes to you all.

Barbara xxx